Friday Favorites: March 22nd

Phew, Friday is finally here! I don’t know about you but it seemed like an especially long week to me! Hope you have plans to do something fun this weekend. It just started snowing here so I have a feeling my plans will have to involve all indoor activities! Well even if it was a long […]

March Birchbox

Hello and happy spring! It’s still chilly here so it doesn’t really feel like spring is ever going to come but my bright and fun March Birchbox helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel! First were these body lotion samples by Caldrea that came in three ethereal scents: Tea Olive Lime, […]

Quick, Healthy, and Delicious Dumpling Soup

Remember last week when I posted the Recipe for Delicious (and easy) Potstickers that I learned in my healthy Asian cooking class? Well this week I have the perfect dumpling soup that you can make using any of your uncooked potstickers (or the batch you froze for later). Potstickers and dumplings both use the same […]

Delicious (and easy) Pot Stickers Recipe

Yesterday was our last day visiting family so to end the week off on a fun note, my mom and I went to a healthy cooking class led by a wonderful and extremely healthy Korean couple, the Kims. My mom and sister have been attending this class for a few months now and have learned […]

Friday Favorites: March 8th

Hello and happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week, Jesse and I sure did! We were able to make it back home to visit both of our families which made for a fun week full of delicious food, competitive card games, and of course lots of laughs! Here are a few of […]

Deliciously Energizing Chocolate Coffee

For the past few weeks I have been experiencing “foggy brain.” Have you ever had that problem, where no matter how much sleep you get or coffee you drink, you still feel like you are only half functioning? Well my mom and I were experimenting with some different ingredients this morning and found the perfect […]

Super Sassy Shoes

This past week I was on (no surprise there) when I found they had marked down all of their oxfords and loafers. I have been needing a new pair of comfy shoes because I literally wear my black boots to work every day and since I was getting free shipping I decided to order […]